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Web Art II

Chris McDonald (Tentative Work Schedule) (REVISED)


Web Art II Chris McDonald (Tentative Work Schedule)

*Tuesdays + Thursdays I can work more on the project if I’m not busy with other classwork


Week 7

W 10/18 Finish Script/ Work it in Twine

F 10/20 Finalize Twine - determine the number of animation panels (18/20)


Week 8

M 10/23 Work on animations  1-3

W 10/25 Work on animations -3-5

F 10/27 Work on animations 6-7

Week 9

M 10/30 Work on animations 8-9

W 11/1 Work on animations 10-11

F 11/3 No Class (Work on website over weekend) Animations 12-13


Week 10

M 11/6 Work on animations 14-15

W 11/8 Work on animations 15-18

F 11/10 No Class (Veterans Day) Work implementing backgrounds and animated images into WIX

Week 11,

M 11/13 Work on animations 18-20

W 11/15 Begin testing story - adding layers of complexity

F 11/17 Take part in crit - demo my work in progres


Week 12,

M 11/20 Work implementing backgrounds and animated images into WIX

W 11/22 - no class (Thanksgiving recess)

F 11/24 - no class...

Week 13,

M 11/27  Work implementing backgrounds and animated images into WIX

W 11/29 Refine story and interactivity

F 12/1 Refine story and interactivity


Week 14,

M 12/4 Refine story and interactivity/ finish personal web site

W 12/6 Refine story and interactivity/ finish personal web site

F 12/8  Refine story and interactivity/ finish personal web site


Week 15,

Final critique of web site and interactive Wix story.

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