Due to the COVID 19 crisis this schedule is no longer valid.
Students are instructed to work on their projects independently, checking in with me on Tuesdays and Thursday via email.
See COVID 19 plan for more information.
This outline is subject to change. Attendance is mandatory for all classes.
Text in Green = Critique and Tutorials days
Text in White = Workshops
Week 1
TH 1/23 First Day - Introductions: Review syllabus and class website.
Begin Project 1: Set-up WIX site for everyone.
Begin Project 2: GIF Workshop w/Photoshop tutorial.
Homework: Email me your new website URL + include your name and the name of the class (arts 104).
Week 2
T 1/28 GIF Workshop.
TH 1/30 Finish GIF - Project 2 must be completed and 6 GIFs must be published to a page on your website before the end of class.
Homework: Have your preliminary website ready to show as well as your 6 GIFS placed in a gallery for next class.
Week 3
T 2/4 GIF Critiques. After class review turn in your favorite GIF file to Neil (on class flash drive) for posting to the class website.
Begin and finish Project 2.5 - From Bitmaps to Vectors. Create a vector version of one of your GIF designs and upload it to your WIX site before the end of class.
Review project 3, Creating with code/Introduction to Processing
TH 2/6 Finish Project 3, Creating with code/Introduction to Processing - Video tutorials hosted by Daniel Shiffman (another one class project).
Homework: If you weren't able to finish it in class, complete your processing sketch and publish a link to it on your website. Be ready to show it as well as your project 2.5 vector art.
Week 4
T 2/11 Review Creating with Code Projects and Vector Projects.
Begin Project 4, Surreal Animation, discuss surrealism, After Effects tutorial.
Homework: Come to class with images and ideas for your Surreal Animation.
TH 2/13 Surreal workshops.
Week 5
T 2/18 Surreal workshops.
TH 2/20 Finish Surreal Animation. Project 5 must be completed, rendered, sound design added, uploaded to YouTube and published to your web site by end of class.
Week 6
T 2/25 Critique Surreal Animations for the 1st half of class.
Begin Project 5, Creating Audio Narratives, Listen to examples of professional and student work, DR05 tutorials
Homework: Record test material on the DR05 so you're ready to do the tutorial in our next class.
TH 2/27 Creating Audio Narratives workshop, Garage Band tutorials.
Homework: Record good quality material on the DR05 over the weekend so you're ready to start editing your project next Tuesday.
Week 7
T 3/3 Creating Audio Narratives workshops
TH 3/5 Creating Audio Narratives workshops
Week 8
T 3/10 no class spring break
TH 3/12 no class spring break
Week 9
T 3/17 Creating Audio Narratives workshops
TH 3/19 Finish Creating Audio Narratives, Project 5 must be completed, mixed, rendered to MP3, and uploaded to your web site by end of class.
Week 10
T 3/24 Critique Creating Audio Narratives for the first half of class
Begin Project 6, Video Ventures - Watch examples of professional and student work, go over shooting/ripping techniques
Homework: Come to our next class with your phone, charger and the original charging cable figure so we can figure how to get stuff off your phone and into Final cut.
TH 3/26 Video Ventures workshops - Final cut tutorials.
Week 11
T 3/31 Video Ventures workshops
TH 4/2 Video Ventures workshops
Week 12
T 4/7 Finish Video Ventures. Project 7 must be completed, uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo and embedded on a page on your web site before the end of class.
Homework: Prepare presentations (Phase 1) for Independent Projects
TH 4/9 Critique Video Ventures and make Project 7 Independent Projects presentations. Begin projects with instructor and class approval.
Week 13
T 4/14 Independent Project Workshops
TH 4/15 Independent Project Workshops
Week 14
T 4/21 Independent Project workshops
TH 4/23 Independent Project workshops
Week 15
T 4/28 Finish Independent Projects. Project 7 must be published and Web Portfolio must be complete and reviewed with instructor by the end of class.
Final Critiques of Project 1 Web Portfolio and Project 7 Independent Projects.